Pregnancy and Pediatric Care

Nurturing Wellness: Pregnancy and Pediatric Osteopathy

Experience comprehensive care tailored for pregnancy and pediatric needs. Our specialised pregnancy and pediatric osteopathy services are designed to support the unique health requirements of expectant mothers and young children. Discover a nurturing approach that prioritizes the well-being of both you and your little ones.

Tell me more…

    • Relief from discomfort during pregnancy

    • Enhancing comfort and mobility

    • Addressing postural changes

    • Supporting overall well-being

    • Gentle and safe treatment for infants and children

    • Addressing musculoskeletal issues from birth

  • Our pregnancy and pediatric osteopathy services encompass:

    • Thorough assessment to understand individual needs

    • Gentle techniques tailored to each life stage

    • Promoting relaxation and relief

    • Collaborative approach with other healthcare providers

    • Empowering parents and supporting children's growth

  • At MOSIP, we understand the unique journey of pregnancy and childhood. Our dedicated practitioners provide a safe and caring environment, ensuring both you and your child experience optimal health and comfort. Join us on this nurturing path to a healthier pregnancy and brighter pediatric years.

Comprehensive Consultation:
Understanding Your Needs

Detailed Case History and Examination:

During your consultation, we take the time to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and the specifics of your concern. This information is crucial in forming a complete picture of your well-being.

Assessment of Range of Motion:

We'll guide you through a series of simple movements to assess your body's mobility and limitations. This evaluation helps us identify any restrictions that might be contributing to your discomfort.

Palpation for Weakness or Strain:

Our skilled osteopaths employ palpation, a highly developed touch technique, to locate areas of weakness or excessive strain in your body. This hands-on assessment aids in pinpointing the source of your discomfort.

Thorough Investigations, If Necessary:

In some cases, additional investigations like x-rays or blood tests might be required to gain a comprehensive understanding of your condition. This ensures accurate diagnosis and the development of a suitable treatment plan.

Patient-Centered Treatment:

Every individual is unique, and so is their treatment. Your personalised care plan is designed with your needs and goals in mind, ensuring the best possible outcome for your well-being.

Collaborative Approach:

We believe in working together with you throughout your healing journey. We'll discuss our findings, the proposed treatment plan, and answer any questions you may have, ensuring you're comfortable and informed every step of the way.


Dry Needling